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With a meaningful glance over at Trin Kronos and the other Grumman students, he
continued. "Remember this always: Dishonor is like a gash on a tree trunk --
instead of disappearing with age, it enlarges."
He made the class repeat this three times before he went on. "The code of honor
was more valuable to a samurai than any treasure. A samurai's word -- his bushi
no ichi-gon -- was never doubted, nor is the word of any Swordmaster of Ginaz."
Dinari finally smiled at them, showing pride at last. "Young samurai, first you
will learn basic moves with empty hands. When you have perfected these
techniques, weapons will be added to your routines." With his black-dart eyes,
he looked at them all sharply enough to make them afraid.
"The weapon is an extension of the hand."
A WEEK LATER, the exhausted students retired to cots inside their tents on the
rugged north shore. Rain spattered their shelters, and trade winds gusted all
night long. Fatigued from the rigorous fighting, Duncan settled down to sleep.
Tent fittings rattled, metal eyelets clanked against rope ties in a steady
rhythm that made him drowsy. At times, he thought he would never be completely
dry again.
A booming voice startled him. "Everyone out!" He recognized the timbre of
Dinari's voice, but the big man's tone conveyed something new, something
ominous. Another surprise training exercise?
The students scrambled out of the tents into the downpour, some clad in shorts,
some wearing nothing at all. Without hesitation, they lined up in their usual
formations. By now they didn't even feel the rain. Glowglobes bobbed in the
wind, swaying at the ends of suspensor tethers.
Still dressed in khakis, an agitated Swordmaster Dinari paced in front of the
class like a stalking animal. His footsteps were heavy and angry; he didn't
care that he splashed in the muddy puddles. Behind him, the engine of a landed
ornithopter whined as its articulated wings thumped in the air.
A red strobelight on top of the aircraft illuminated the figure of the slender,
bald woman Karsty Toper, who had met Duncan upon his first arrival on Ginaz.
Wearing her usual black martial-arts pajama, now rain-soaked, she clutched a
glistening diplomatic plaque that was impervious to moisture. Her expression
looked hard and troubled, as if she were barely able to contain disgust or
"Four years ago, a Grumman ambassador murdered an Ecazi diplomat after being
accused of sabotaging Ecazi fogwood trees, and then Grumman troops engaged in a
criminal carpet-bombing of Ecaz. These heinous and illegal aggressions violated
the Great Convention, and the Emperor stationed a legion of Sardaukar on Grumman
to prevent further atrocities." Toper paused, waiting for the implications to
sink in.
"The forms must be obeyed!" Dinari said, sounding greatly offended.
Karsty Toper stepped forward, holding up her crystal document like a cudgel.
Rain streamed down her scalp, her temples. "Before removing his Sardaukar from
Grumman, the Emperor received promises from both sides agreeing to cease all
aggressions against one another."
Duncan looked around at the other students, seeking an answer. No one seemed to
know what the woman was talking about or why the Swordmaster seemed so angry.
"Now, House Moritani has struck again. The Viscount reneged on the pact," Toper
said, "and Grumman --"
"They have broken their word!" Swordmaster Dinari interrupted.
"And Grumman agents have kidnapped the brother and eldest daughter of Archduke
Armand Ecaz and publicly executed them."
The gathered students muttered their dismay. Duncan could tell, though, that
this was no mere lesson in inter-House politics for them to learn. He dreaded
what was about to come.
On Duncan's right, Hiih Resser shifted uneasily on his feet. He wore shorts, no
shirt. Two rows back, Trin Kronos appeared to be smugly satisfied at what his
House had done.
"Seven members of this class are from Grumman. Three are from Ecaz. Though
these Houses are sworn enemies, you students have not permitted such enmity to
affect the work of our school. This is to your credit." Toper pocketed her
diplomatic plaque.
The wind whipped the tails of Dinari's bandanna around his head, but he stood as
sturdy as an enormous oak tree. "Though we have not been part of this dispute,
and we avoid Imperial politics altogether, the Ginaz School cannot tolerate such
dishonor. It shames me even to spit the name of your House. All Grummans, step
forward. Front and center!"
The seven students did as they were told. Two (including Trin Kronos) were
nude, but stood at attention with their companions as if they were fully
dressed. Resser looked alarmed and ashamed; Kronos actually raised his chin in
"You are faced with a decision," Toper said. "Your House has violated Imperial
law and dishonored itself. After your years here on Ginaz, you understand the
appalling seriousness of this offense. No one has ever been kicked out of this
school for purely political reasons. Therefore, you may either denounce the
insane policies of Viscount Moritani, here and now -- or be expelled immediately
and permanently from the academy." She pointed toward the waiting ornithopter.
Trin Kronos scowled. "So, after all your words about honor, you ask us to give
up loyalty to our House, our families? Just like that?" He glared at the fat
Swordmaster. "There can be no honor without loyalty. My eternal allegiance is
to Grumman and to House Moritani."
"Loyalty to an unjust cause is a perversion of honor."
"Unjust cause?" Kronos stood flushed and indignant in his nakedness. "It is
not my place to challenge the decisions of my Lord, sir -- nor is it yours."
Resser looked straight forward, did not glance at his fellows. "I choose to be
a Swordmaster, Sir. I will stay here." The redhead fell back into line beside
Duncan, while the other Grummans glared at him as if he were a traitor.
Prompted by Kronos, the remaining six refused to yield. The Moritani lordling
growled, "You insult Grumman at your own peril. The Viscount will never forget
your meddling." His words were full of bluster, but neither Swordmaster Dinari [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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